Wednesday, November 5, 2008

let down...

last night was a very depressing night. i do not make that statement because barack obama won, but because of the response to it from a certain group of people...the group of people that i stand with.

as i was sitting there watching the television waiting to hear the news about who won, i decided to get on facebook and check out what others were thinking and saying. i wish that i never did. it was some of the most depressing things that i have read in quite a while. i read things like: "america is going to hell now." "im leaving the country." "its the end of america as we know it."

now i expected to hear that from many different types of people, but i never expect my brothers and sisters in christ to say things like that. what has happened to christianity? do we really think god can only use the white collar, anglo-saxon republican? have we become so shallow and unfaithful that we are willing to bad mouth a man who is trying to do his best for his country? what has become of us that we are willing to stoop to such a low level?

i have done my share of bad mouthing, so i am by no means leaving myself out, but i am depressed that we have come to this point. we all made our own decisions (hopefully informed ones), and we should respect each others decisions. jesus did not have a candidate in mind that was better or holier than the other, because jesus works with what he has.

lets stop this childish argueing.

lets end this tension.

lets realize that it's not the end of the world because a black, democratic man is in the white house.

and lets embrace the fact that christ is in control, and it'll be ok.

P.S.-do not ask who i voted for, im not saying.


beencalled said...

Yeah, it is kinda sad to see how people are reacting.

But, don't give up hope for the church yet James. Like you said, Christ works with what he has...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I grieve over the emphasis the Christian community placed/prayed over this one day. What would it look like if we put this much behind emphasis behind ministry EVERY day? Because regardless of who is leading this nation, we are to continue to toil at bringing heaven back to earth.

So-- love the post, nodding in agreement.