Monday, November 17, 2008


i want to go. i have wanted to go for a while now. i got sick and tired of talking about going and decided that i was going to go. so now, here i am diving into the deep end learning what means to go.

i am incredibly excited about all that i have been led to. i am apart of an amazing team of people here at the school called the "fuller group". we are a group fighting against substandard housing in the metro-atlanta area. we have completed our first project, and it was beautiful. we were given the opportunity to make some simple repairs on a home (caused by the tornado last march) in the community that the owners were not financially able to repair. we painted, cleaned, and dug up a huge stump and were the hands and feet of christ while doing it. the five people that head up this group are some of the most loving and caring people i have ever met, and i am honored to be able to work with these individuals (you know who you are guys, thanks you so much!). and this is how i am going.

from being involved in the fuller group i have been given the opportunity to serve on the "fuller center for housing" metro-atlanta board as student voice. for me this is a chance to motivate even more college students to make a difference in the community that they are in. i've been given a way to spread my passion for people, let others know that there is work to be done, and that they can make a difference in a family's life for the kingdom of god. and this is how i am going.

acc has decided that they want to take a group of college students to san tiago, chile. i heard about the chance to go and get involved in the ministry there, and i jumped at the chance to go. we will have the chance to see how their campus christian fellowship and various ministries and churches function. it costs money...alot of money, but it is a chance to love on someone who just wants to know that someone cares. and this is how i am going.

i was so sick and tired of not going that i applied to an organization called "camp china". this organization sends college students to provinces in china, vietnam, and hong kong to teach 14-18 year old students conversational english. it'll cost money...alot more money, but i will be able to spend five weeks with 15 chinese kids that i have never met to love on them. and be a friend to them. and hang out with them. and show them someone cares about whether they make it in life. and be christ to them. it'll be five weeks in a place i never thought that i would be. and this is how i am going.

i am seeing now what is to go. i want to go. i need to go. i MUST go, not becuase of me, but because my king has told me to. because my lord has ordered me to meet the needs of the broken, hurting, lonely, and lame. because my savior has given love and grace to me, so i must give love and grace to all those around that they may know about him.

i got tired of not going, so i went, and doors opened, and beauty came out it. and i'm still going. and intend to keep it that way.

i don't know when, where, how, or what i'll be doing, but i'm going...

and i just want you to go with me...will you?


Melissa {} said...

I will go my friend...I will go.

Anonymous said...

Onward Christian soldier...