Sunday, January 18, 2009

things i have been learning

so this was requested by my buddy jeremy on his blog. so here are some things that i have been learning:

that life is hardly ever easy...

that a little bit of love can save the day.

that christ didn't call me to be a good american...but his disciple.

that what i thought i was going to do with my life is not at all what im heading towards now.

that i miss home much more than i ever have in my life.

that i really want to be done with school, but figure i should pay attention because i know too many who regret not payin enough attention.

that every year can't be a good year for my favorite sports teams.

that "things" don't matter...and that there is no point in spending a ridiculous amount of money on clothes for a brand name (who probably use sweat shops)...even if it is magic...

that i can be comfortable in my masculinity and still LOVE twilight.

that i can't wait to be in china for five weeks!

there is probably more but, i can't really think of much right now. hope all is well with you guys.

grace and peace

1 comment:

Jeanne Taylor said...

Sounds good so far buddy...
